The first mile of a run is always tough.Its the worst part of the run. It feels terrible.
You huff and puff. You second guess why you even got out for a run. You doubt yourself and your ability to run at all. You may even tell yourself it’s totally ok to turn around, go home, and get another cup of coffee and cozy up on the sofa.
And then…you turn the infamous running corner.
Your breathing is in nice rhythm. Your pace is steady and strong. You can start chatting with your running mates and not gasp for air at the same time.
You are SOOOO In for the long haul. Distance does not matter. You feel empowered. All is right again.
This is just like summer break. For me, that is.
The first couple of weeks I huff and puff emotionally about the change in routine, the family all-together-ness, and the June-gloom-which-feels-like-doom.
AND THEN I hit my pace. I have figured out our new schedule or the-no-schedule and completely adjust. I no longer want to throw my hands up and surrender motherhood.
But rather I surrender to the change. I embrace it. We all embrace it.
I begin to inhale the sunshine deep and let it sunbathe my insides. And it feels so good. So warming to my soul. I begin to delight in the un-structuredness and the “What shall we do today?” and the choices before us.
No more emotional gasps for breath. Good rhythm. Steady pace. Memories being made. Summer bucket list being checked off.
I begin to feel strong and capable of mothering-through-summer-break.
Summer goodness abounds.
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