So I write this blog about life as a mom. And as a special needs mom, too. Duh….
And its 10:56 PM on Mother’s Day and I have yet to write something as beautiful as Ann Voskamp or witty as Anne Lamott, or just about Ann Young, my dear sweet mother, who passed away in 2004.
Instead, I will insert some quotes I love from my new coffee table book, Mom Candy.
Here goes:
“Making a decision to have a child–its momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” –Elizabeth Stone, writer
“Mighty is the force of motherhood. It transforms all things by its vital heat.” –George Eliot, novelist
“There really are places in the heart you dont even know exist until you love a child.” –Anne Lamott, writer
“I am your mother, the first mile of your road.” –Kelly Corrigan, novelist
“A mother understands what a child does not say.” –Jewish proverb
“Kids spell love T-I-M-E.” –John Crudele, columnist
“(Motherhood is) a choice you make every day, to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is…and to forgive yoruself, over and over again, for doing everything wrong.” –Donna Ball, novelist
“The real menace in dealing with a five-year-old is that in no time at all you begin to sound like a five-year-old.” –Jean Kerr, writer and playwright
“Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare.” –Ed Asner, actor
“Children are a wonderful gift. They have an extraordinary capacity to see into the heart of things and to expose sham and humbug for what they are.” –Desmond Tutu, activist
“Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in God. Be a person in whom they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you’ve done will have mattered as much.” –Lisa Wingate, writer
“Rest easy, real mothers. The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one.” –Jodi Piccoult, novelist
“The story of a mother’s life: Trapped between a scream and a hug.” –Cathy Guisewite, cartoonist
“Parenthood is sh**, snot, slime, fear, tears, spit, and spills. It’s as intense as combat, which is to say hours of tedium relieved by moments of alarm and flashes of joy to remind you that you are alive.” –Scott Simon, journalist
“Its a marathon; not a sprint.” –Melinda Gates, philanthropist
“Parenting isn’t a noun but a verb–an ongoing process instead of an accomplishment.”
“You may not be able to leave your children a great inheritance, but day by day you may be weaving coats for them which they will wear through all eternity.” –T.L. Cuyler, minister
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all you uh-mazing women out there who wipe noses and tears, who holler and hug, and who are just trying, praying, hoping, and sweating it out as the best mother you can be for your children.
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